Finding your rhythm – sleep, mood, energy.

Our bodies are affected by the world around us, in a pattern know as “circadian rhythm.”

Circadian rhythms are defined as physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle.

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Following environmental cues plays a big role in maintaining circadian rhythm, namely light exposure to our bodies clock in our brain, called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN.

Sleep is essential to maintaining optimal rhythm, disruption of this variable can impact all aspects of health.

Natural melatonin production can be optimized by limiting blue light exposure before bed (turn off your devices, use a filter, or wear light blocking glasses)

Links between mental health and circadian rhythm have also been made, highlighting lowered melatonin (sleep hormone) production and high cortisol (stress hormone) production.

Creating a balance between these two key hormones is important, and timed light exposure appears to be key. Exposing your eyes to bright light upon waking, ideally by being outdoors is fundamental in reestablishing a daily rhythm.

Energy has been known to fluctuate over the course of the day, in response to stressors as well as mealtimes or lack there of. Ensuring you are fueling our body with the proper nutrients, and moving your body, play a big role in keeping this daily balance.

To optimize your bodies metabolism consider moving your body after each meal, go for a walk on your lunch hour, take the dog for a walk, talk a walk to park.

These simple daily actions can make a big impact on a healthy body and mind.

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