Metabolic syndrome lacks a clear definition, awareness has risen during the recent global pandemic, as poor metabolic health appeared to be a risk factor for disease outcomes. Although definitions vary metabolic syndrome has a number of links such as abdominal obesity, elevated blood lipids, elevated blood pressure, inflammatory, insulin resistance, and higher glucose levels. These factors have most closely resulted an increased risk of developing chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and for women polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Dietary choices and sedentary lifestyle are the most broadly recognized risk factors for development of metabolic syndrome. Research has also shown that genetics, stress, environmental toxins, and age(post menopause/post andropause) can also contribute.
From a preventative health standpoint blood glucose control is the first place to start in the prevention of metabolic disease.
Meals should include a balance of all 3 macronutrients – protein, fats and carbohydrates (focusing on fiber rich carbohydrates).
Protein – provides amino acids to fuel your body, as well as helps to keep blood glucose from elevating too much.
Fats – Omega 3 fats from fish, and as well as fat from nuts, and high-fat fruits such as olives and avocados have a positive impact on inflammation.
Carbohydrates – In the form or fiber rich sources will allow beneficial bacteria to thrive, thus positivity effecting the gut microbiome *there is growing area of research around metabolic syndrome especially for those doing all the right things, and not seeing the objective values* The additional benefit of fibers is lowering cholesterol and better blood sugar control.
I often use blood testing to establish a baseline for some the key markers that are linked to the development of metabolic syndrome, this give me a tool to track progress.